Dashrath Manjhi: Known As The 'Mountain Man Of India'

Dashrath Manjhi: Known As The 'Mountain Man Of India'

Throughout the years of human endeavor, there are very few stories that deliver a sheer groundbreaking experience of how a person's determination and resilience could break all notions in achieving the unthinkable uncertainty. This story is also about one of those forgotten spirits who managed to single-handedly carve a path through a formidable mountain, that had claimed his wife's life.

A Man Who Loved His Wife

Dashrath Manjhi was born in a remote village in Bihar, India. A laborer from Gehlaur village, whose life was changed by an unexpected incident when his wife lost her life when she slipped and injured herself while trying to cross the mountain, compounded by the blocking of access to reach the hospital on time. This ignited a fire inside Manjhi to build a path for the locals to ensure no one else suffers the same fate.

The Film

'Manjhi – The Mountain Man' also delivers a sheer presentation of how his life flipped like a switch with an extraordinary mission to break the mountain in half to create a path for the locals. To embark on this mission as a solo fighter with only a hammer and chisel is what astounded me throughout the film. Over the course of 22yrs, Manjhi single-handedly carved a road through the mountain with nothing but a hammer and chisel. His feat reduced the distance from 75km to just 1km from his village to the hospital.

A simple yet profound scene at the end where he is asked by the interviewer, what he has to say as he had done the impossible-possible after a long 22yrs journey to which he replies, "Never depend upon God, who knows that God is depending upon you!"
Manjhi – The Mountain Man Road

The Legend Of Mountain Man Lives On

A shining example to encapsulate that perseverance, determination, and unyielding belief in oneself can move mountains, both literally and metaphorically. Finally, as we navigate our challenges through doubts and uncertainties let this be a reminder that with unwavering persistence, even the mightiest mountain can be conquered.

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